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Neat Image Pro 7 2 Crackedl: Why You Need It for Your Photos


Neat Image 8 is a fairly simple software to use, although upon first opening the plugin it can appear a bit confusing. You will be presented with multiple views of the image you are working on; a full-color preview, and the R, G, and B components of the image. There are four buttons at the top left of the screen; Auto Profile, Load Profile, Auto Match, and Auto Fine Tune. In the center are two tabs, Device Noise Profile, which is the tab the plugin starts in, and Noise Filter Settings.

Ultimately, the ability to auto profile an image, adjust settings to personal taste, and use presets for repeatability of noise reduction, makes Neat Image an excellent choice for photographers who battle noisy images for any reason, including shooting long exposures, low light photography, or high iso photography such as indoor sports, events, or weddings. Neat Image is available starting at $39.90 per license.

Neat Image Pro 7 2 Crackedl

Better cameras generate less image noise. Neat Image processing minimizes the noise out of your photos. So your point-and-shoot camera can produce pro-quality results. Neat Image reduces image noise so that shots taken at faster shutter speeds and higher ISO become more usable with Neat Image post-processing.

Neat Image is computer software that removes digital noise from photographic images and also performs other image quality improvements. Neat Image improves digital photos from cameras, scanned negative and positive films as well as scanned printed photos.

Neat Image works as a special-purpose digital filter. Our filter is specifically designed to reduce visible noise in digital photographic images. In digital camera shots, image noise generally comes from two key sources: random nature of the captured light and imperfect nature of image sensor and camera circuitry, especially in high ISO modes. In scanned images from legacy sources, silver halide grain from high speed film is the main source of noise.

Wherever your images come from, Neat Image can deliver beautiful images with noise and grain notably reduced. Digital images taken with any equipment, processed with Neat Image, will often look as though they were taken under optimal conditions with more expensive gear. Scanned archive images and prints can look contemporary, and can be as grain- and pattern-free as possible. Neat Image greatly improves the visual quality of digital images by reducing the objectionable noise and grain and at the same time preserving the true image details.

Neat Image effectively reduces these kinds of noise:Luminance noiseColor (chroma) noiseBanding noiseSalt-and-pepper (impulse) noiseElectronic interference noiseFilm grainJPEG artifactsIn-camera noise reduction artifactsSome other image imperfections

Neat Image Pro Plus 2011 is a very handy filtering application that has been developed to reduce visible noise efficiently in the digital photographic images and improve the quality of your pictures. This easy to use application analyzes your picture and also performs filtering process that will result in better quality for the output image. Neat Image Pro Plus 2011 lets you achieve desired level of noise reduction by using device noise profiles and filter presets. You can also download Movavi Photo Editor. Neat Image Pro Plus 2011 lets you build your own device noise profile for specific shooting and scanning mode of your digital camera/scanner by using Calibration Target feature. It has got a tab-based user interface which is a user friendly and it lets enhancement of the photo quality by following few simple steps. You can also compare original photo as well as resulting output one by simply clicking on the image. On a conclusive note we can say that Neat Image Pro Plus 2011 is a very handy filtering application that has been developed to reduce visible noise efficiently in the digital photographic images and improve the quality of your pictures. You can also download PhotoELF Photo Editor.

The above recommendations are mostly related to Neat Video. Neat Image can work well with any of those three new Apple Silicon Macs as the high load is not steady and 8 GB memory onboard is sufficient for most image processing tasks.

You know how much I love Google Lens, right? Well, you'd be forgiven for forgetting (or maybe failing to notice in the first place!), but Google's excellent image intelligence technology is built right into your Pixel phone's Overview area for super-easy searching within images in any apps you've been using.

This one's pretty wild: Just pull up your Pixel's Overview interface and press and hold any image you see within an app's preview. That should make "Lens" pop up as an option. And if you tap it, Google's almost eerily smart system will do a number of different things, depending on the context:

So make yourself a mental note of this: You can always capture a screenshot of anything by sliding your way over to your Pixel's Overview area. Ergonomics aside, that gives you the advantage of getting a completely clean and neat image of whatever's on your screen, without all the usual system interface elements (the status bar, the navigation bar or buttons, and so on) around it.

Neat Image Crack is vital for many who are interested in picture-taking. You can also easy-to-use photography editor made to help you improve your pictures by lowering noise pieces. Furthermore, the application form shows the image quality level in ratio, which allows you to see the result that any changes are wearing the opened up picture. The program also helps batch functionality, which means you can process multiple images automatically. These undesirable results are usually the most obvious in images considered with insufficient light.

The program can also reduce ISO noises associated with image receptors in digital camera models and scanners. Film granulation is common on scanned and image slides, JPEG artifacts, compressed images at an exaggerated rate, or photos without proper color balancing. Neat Image plug-in is vital for any kind of picture taking: in low light, in marriages, activities, and action. To refine the filtration system you will see various sliders in the right area and a group of predefined standard information under Filter Options. Furthermore, additionally, you save your valuable own filter units in this category. To raised evaluate the end result, Neat Image provides different views, which you are able to pick from the drop-down menu next to the move value.

The present study describes the results of a detailed investigation of the fracture toughness and fatigue crack growth behaviour of epoxy resins used for aeronautic applications. More specifically, the influence of incorporating thermoplastic or triblock copolymers to neat resin in order to increase the toughness is evaluated. The experimental results deduced from static as well as dynamic loading conditions highlight the varying degree of effectiveness of the chosen toughening approaches. In combination with electron microscopic analysis of the fracture surfaces, the basic structure-property relationships and deformation mechanisms are presented and the different strategies to improve the fatigue behaviour are discussed.

rrTTTiy.RD agentsGAST WASHINGTON.jic Hrd S. -fowlerMBmsBBFM1M,m"MM 'ji-u",-"S"rnonTunpri nn aocllfur advertising - . ,-- ;rnv price. All renJltonoes,u6f ,ttdebyda.poBUii money omerffny. Is aUbe senders n."...viheamoantndwhatltiBtoi.imunctlv slated.4,oaia- .. h. ad-lreBBedBEE PUBUSHING. CO.WasiiiuKton D. L.;eUl9,.-""ild be--"TeVEIIY SATURDAY A'SfsT.K. W., WASH. D C.nnTttRE THE BEE CAN BE HADf T W Fowler,B,318 3-d street. 8. uruil. corner 16in and NAve., n. w..... nrtllWiBt.iree. ' ,:.,.io House. 348 Perm.vne 205 PA street, n.w.?.8 ewart ! nia Ave. n. w.NEW YORK CITY.1). A.Green, 429, 6th Ave.BOSTON, MASS.- win. L. Reed, 934 Cambridge St.Alexandria Virginia,A. Carter. 813 Wilk s street.vtimmrtmairmmmmmBmmmmmmmmmimrlaTHRDAY JUNE 10, 1893IjocalsWANTED: At this office two 10 learn the printing business.Permanent work. Apply at once.Mr Mary Slaul Gtrey an old and reFpi'cted citizen died Monday Morning at4:5Sr Carey was one of the few ladlilvver5 in which proleHsion she had aactive practice and was an honor to tinirofession. T .The luneral took place from IsrealC. M. E. Church Wednesday at Hire,(dock,DEATH OF MRS. CAREY.Mrs. if. S. Carey one of thebestkuoffaromen in this country.died at her residence on lasiMonday intfuoflg at 4:50 a. m.Mrs. Carey was a woman of excellenta traits of character and lovecby all who knew her. While she majliave been excentric at times, shwas a women of bind dispositionMrs. Evans her only survivingdaughter has the sympathy of thw T Ties A. Robs left foim w tt , 'ues who has beenMr. W. li Jc d for Beveralconfined to his ; nfOTlpg.mouthB is slowly imt p,,, . sick afcMr. Bernard West ishis home .Do you want printing do,bo cull at this iiSoino Contrary WordB which Refuse to BeHappily Mated.There are many problems which therhyming dictionary has failed to solvefor versifiers. Did you ever try to finda rhyme for window, silver, chimney,Mephistopheles or Timbuotoo, for example ? No poet has yefc succeeded inunearthing a perfect, and at the sametime a reasonable, rhyme for the wordorange or the word month. I emphasize the perfeot and reasonable, for attempts have certainly been made to getthese words mated. But if there isrhyme in the following, there is assuredly very little reason:"From the Indus to the BlorengeCame the Rajah in a month ;Eating now and then an orange.Conninec a'.l the day his Grunth."It is not very intelligent, is it ? No ; itis pretty far-fetched, for the Blorengeis a bill in Abergavenny, and theGrunth, I believe, is the Bible of theSikhs. Mr. Skeat, the famous philologist, has tried his hand on both words,with what result let the readers judge.Here is the outcome of his strugglewith the word month:Search through the works of Thackerayyou'll find a rhyme to month ;He tells ns of Phil Pocarty of the flshlinffonety-oneih."But this rhyme must be put out ofcourt as not being sanctioned by thedictionary. With the word orange liedoes rather better, but the difficulty ofrhyming certainly vanishes to some oxtent if one is allowed to use compoundwords, as here :"I gave my darling child a lemon,That lately grew its fragrant stem on ;And nezt, to give her pleasure more range.I offered her a jttioy orangeAnd nutsshe cracked them in the doorhinge." This can hardly be accepted as satisfactory; but it is probably the bestthat can be done for the crusty bachelor of a word. It is at least as goodas Byron's :' ' But, oh ! ye lords and ladieB intellectual.Come, tell the truth have they not henpecked you all ?"Pope was tolerably successful in rhyming the names of his contemporaries insarcastic attacks upon them. WhenSwift sought to do the same to Bettesworth, the latter boasted it would beimpossible to find a rhyme for hisname. But accident was kind in supplying the dean with what he wanted.An Irish porter, disgusted at the remuneration offered him by Swift for carrying a heavy parcel, exclaimed: "Sure,your reverence, my sweat is worth morethan that." "It is," cried the satirist,delighted, for he had found Mb rhyme.Names were a perpetual worry to theold epitaph rhymester. On the tombstone of a Newcastle arohitect were inscribed the lines :4 ' Here lies Edward Trollop,Who made yon stones roll up."In other cases the Gordian knot wascut entirely, as in the following effortof doggerel skill :"Here lies John Bunn, who was killed hy agun;BliB name wasn't Bunn, his real name wasWocd;But as Wood didn't rhyme with gun. Ithought Bunn would,"Some amusing effects are obtained byrhyming to the eye as well as to theoar, as in this example :'There was ap old witch of Malacca,Who smoked such atrocious tabacca ;Vhan tigers came nearThey trembled with fear,nd didn't attempt to attaoca,"The attention of societies lodgers etc. is called to the facilitiesthat this office have to executtfirel class job work. You will bgiven from one to two free noticebm the paper if you termg to this office.Rev. Geo. W. McGoins has beenappointed to a messenger's positionin the luterior department.II the President makes as manyHppoiuieutd a8 the republicanshiade-the, negro democrats will batDtheir braius out.A RARE OPPORTUNITY.itkWater5 Clocks in China.In the history of the Tang dynasty. stated that jn Persia at the sameu 'v therdwas'a clepsydra on a terpenoid tfae fateci, Iprmed of a balrace neu s . L fcye fcetal balls, oneance cont, - vt w mof which fe uv- J afclv. It isthus strucn i Tiv , .. , ., . instru-a. A"'a:& Jiours corrWWrk-l. !, !; luu" ""sQQ nH. wifch the which the Kii t Persia sent in807 to Charlemagne.In 898 the astrono W Ts an Pro"duced an improvement' on all formerinstruments-a machine t-VanffeJsort of miniature ierraoete et highand divided into three sines. theworks being in the middle. Jwelyoimages of men, one for every h W appeared in turn before an opening" m unaIn this issue our readers will notice m terrace. Another set of autpmaadvertisement of Eist Deanewood D. ('., struck the hours and eighths or pours.m which lots are offered for pale on 0. 1- These figures oocupied the lowest .story.E. or F. sts N. E. extended afc the low rm, . nw was devoted toi Utronprict? ot'$7o per lot and on easy terms z pnnfcaininff.' an orrery in n lotion.fat and iusi le of the District. This pne - , - comPlex machinery must haveshould encourage many of our readers to anXnf As to the nature tw tbeow. ome real, state. K,st Deanewood U. - ;?""ofchillir is kn0wn bxcept. ,.u,ivauoutiireeauuana imues roiii -7-" M bv falUnff water.Man Railroad runs direct through tii In as much as the Arabs had spaonealoimiiy with the city streets, 90 feet tTEE J. R. WEBB HOUSE-FORSnmmer Boanlm.Teems: $4 00 per wetk includinp;meeting all boarders at the s feat ionand return free of charge.Children under 12 years 2. 00per week.TRANSIENT BOARDERS$1.00 per day. Extra CairageHire charged lor. Trunks 25 cent h.All communicatiens should beaddiesseti to,Jno. R. Webb,Silcott SpringsLoudoun Co.. Va.THOMAS & CO.,CONTRACTORS & PAINTERS.63 G st. n. w.VARNISHING, STAINING, GRAINING &C.Satisfaction Guaranteed. All Orders1 Promptly Attended To. Terms Cash.Free Xo JkM 11Cut this Cupon out and present atour Store before June 1st and receiveone of our Souvenirs.Hetlbrun & Co.402, 7th St. n. w.Sign: "The Old Woman In Shoe.Subt-ciibe for the Bee.KEYST0MHOTEL3022 State St.CHICAGO,ILL.,will open for thereception ol firstclass guests June4th, 1892,. Hotel,Cafe and SampleRoom, elegantlyfurnished withevery modern imimOUR. STOCKOFSUMMER SHOESIn Tan, Black and White areRich, Rare and RacyATSurprisingly small prices:Consisting: with Quality.Sign; i otT.MNigHcjHOEi,MEALS SEASONABLE."Cable and Elevated -Railwayrains direct to the "World's Columbia Exposition grounds" and toall parts of the c ty pass our doorsregularly.When visiting our city please!tavor us with your patronage andoblige, Respectfully, &c,John M. Hunter,Chas. B. Mortimer,Proprietor.N. B. Rooms can be engaged byletter in advauce.THE ORIGIflAT OLD LINEQuaker Go.Penn IMntxial LifeOS. OO.IEI II;:.i. MUM XVltULUUU lUUbUHCUl bill UUK1J 1U: JLU xnv. U 1 e 1.1. 'rllflliproperty md the tracts are to be in con- China by sea at tue oioso 01 mo b.... .. . .. . . .. rtTJ' riHVHiwJ- .v..wWidth. ThinrmirHT 15 WpI sinri ahnnr.'lR J-?a frim thflm in thW COn-e - . . 1 uanu vcentury, some .assistance Nmayfeet ahove the tho river. This seems to Bu nf:nn ftf this complicated jnstruhe a fine opportunity for any one disirhig .. vnf, :n ail probability it wasiUDUV, -to 11 ake a good orofit on a small amountof cash. In the event of the death of flie....! ,. r .. ,1. . . , .tipuicuaser ooiore tne xuii price is p;im :Mr. B. M. Pii.e, H2O F St. aunes to -'cepe the payments made as lull paym-c ;of the price and to make a like conv y- Janreio die purchasi r's heirs or assignlhiSEeeinsto be an exceptional liberal 1oner.Persons can call at this office and see 2iplat.wholly Chinese.115 WEST 27th illl ElNew YOrk jPity(The Leading House in the CityPatronized by tbe traveling publie from all sections of tbe coun tryB. D. vVbiteburst, Proprietor"As we journey through life let us liveby the way."'Everybody's Lawyer.'Is the title of h new 768 pageYork repared byAlexander Kcones, L. L, B.,member of the New York Bar.It etiableB every man andweman to be their own lawyer. ItteacheB what are your rigts andbow to maintain them. When tobegin a law suit and when to shunone. It contains tbe useful information every business forms oflwy variety useful to the lawyer00 wH to all who have If gal to mrr .,Inclose Wn 001lar8 r ,r a oopyor inclose two cvut P0Btflge 8- Pfor a table of conteJ1 t m,10 agents. Addreps Jb.J- JHITCHCOCK, Publisher, 385Fixih Avenue. New York.m 13 3 mo"A Beautltal MTTRTPBy subscription, $1 50 per year;all brigbt, popular and cipyrigbtClapsical ana Standaid N'elodiea,"OUR MONTHLY MUSICALGEM'The Handsomest Musical molhlyever issued in America. Containe8com positions (all copyright:)4 instrumental and 4 vcal, witnSchedule in effect May 14th 1893.Leave Washington from station corner of.New Jersey Avenue and C street,For Chicago and Northwest, VestibuledLimited express trains 11:35 a.m., 6:15 n.m.,12:3o night.F?Ft.U1,n'?iPnatl st Louis, and Indianapolisvestibuled Limited 3:30, p. m. express 12:35night, J.or,.Si-tt8b,:irS and Cleveland, expressdai!yll:3oa. m. and 8:40 p. m.For Leslnsrtoa and Staunton. -jlOMO a. m.For Winchester and way stations 5:30 p. mFor Luray, Natural Bridge, Roanofce. Cnoxvil.e, Chattanooga, and Memphis 11:10 p.m..daily; Seeping Cars through to Memphis andNashville.For Luray. 8:30 p. m. daily.For Baltimore weeks davs 5.00 x5:10 x6 35,X7.15 (8.00, 45-minutes), 8.05, 8.30, 9,80,(10 00 45-minutes), a. m. xl-.00, 12.(5. x2.20.X2.40, X3.15, 8 25, X4:15 X4.28, 4.3i. x5.00, x5.30,5.35, xG.20 6.30, x7 30, x8 00, 805, x9 00,xll 80, and 11.35 p, m. Sundays, xo.40, (8.00.45-minuses). x8.05, 8 30, x9.30, (10,00, 45minutes)a. m. X12.00, 1.00, X2.20, x 2.40, 3.25. x4:15 4.31,x5 00, xO.20, 0.30, X7.80, X8.00, S9.00, 9.30;xll .30 11.35. p. m.For Annapolis. 7 15 and 8 30 a. m., 12 15 and,4 28 p. m. Sundays, 8 80 a. m., 4 31 p. m.For Frederick, flO.40, fll 35 a. m., 21.15 14 3Up. m..For Hagerstown, flO 40 a, ra, and f5 30 p. m.For Boyd aud way points, 9 40 p. m,For Gaithersburg and way points, 16 25,9. 00 a.m., fl2 45. 23.00, f4 33, f5 3o 7.05 9.40,fll, 80 p. m.For Washin5ton Junction and way points,39.30 a. m, 31:15 p. m. Express trains stoppingat pricipai stations cniy -j-10,40 a. m. f4.30 J5.30p. m.ROYAL BLUE LINE FOR NEW YORKAND PHILADELPHIA.For Philadelphia, New York, Boston, andthe East, daily 8 00, (10 00 Dinins: Car) am., 12. 00 2 40, (5 00 Dinlnjr Car), 8.00 (11 30 pm. Sleeping Car, open at 10 00 o'clock.)Buffet Parlor Car i on all day trains.For Boston 2 40 p. m. with Pullman BuffetSleeping Car running through to Bostonwithout change, via Poughkeepsle Bridge,landing passengers in B. & M. station at Boston. For Atlantic City, 10 00 a, m. and 12 00 m.Sundays, 12 00 noonfExcept Sunday, Daily. gSnnday only,x liiXpress trains.Baggage called for and checked from hotelsand residences by Union Tiansfer Companyon orders left at ticket offices, 619 and 1351Pennsylvania avenue, and at depot.J . T. ODELL, OHAS. O. SCULL,Gen. Manager. Gen. Pass. Agentfiitt's PillsTo care cstlveess tbe medlclm mutasssssssssssr To -Tonic, Alterative andCathartic Properties.Tntt's Pills posstas these analitiM faan mlaent tbgree, andSpeedily Restoreto the bowels their natnal peristalticaootlon, so essential to regularity.Sold Everywhere,The patrouB ot the Uei muBtpay fcr all advertisements, in theway nt notices, deaths, marriages&c. K'o matter of a personalnature will be inserted unlesB it ispaid for.nESTABLISHED 1866.IDIISTIIE'S LOAN BrrICE.361 Pennsylvania Avenue.5old and silver watches, diamonds, jewelry, pistols, guns, mechanical tools, ladies' and gentlemen's wearing apparel.Old gold and silver bought.Unredeemed pledges for Hale.Holmes House.REST.4'RAT A L4DIKN 5liVIIVG PARLOR.Fine Wines, Choice Branaies,And Old Whiskies,J. O. HOLMES, Proprietor333 Ya. Ave., SouthwestEXCEPTIONALPPREAL1TIIITIKTO ACQUIREESTATEAS A HOME OR AnrW ftOP PHILVDELPHIA, PENN.Incoeporated 1847.Assets $19,574,731 11Surplus.: 2,729,696 54Edward m. Needles PiesidentHenry C. Brown, Sec. and TreasPurely Mutual.No Assessments.A OLEAN RECORD OF 45 TEARSLARGE DIVIDENDS,Affording the cheapest possibleinsurance consistent with absolutesecurity,Under the direction of an honesteconomical and conservative boardof directors and the laws of Pennsylvania The PENN MUTUAL issues allI the best forms of policies combining absolute protection with investme nt.These contracts contain threevery important features to the polior hnlrlar fohrmlfl ha wiah c rliw,. . x fc , r to 4 per cent can have it safely aud judiciously invested in Realcontinue his payments because of J . . J . , ,IlNAJl HJADL JDINVESTMENT.THE INCOME FEOM THESE HOUSES WILL PURCHASETHEMYou Buy The House The Rent Does Tbe RestWHY BE WITHOUT A HOME OR A GOOD CITY PROPERTYON TERMS AS THESEAnd Which Will Bring You a Comfortable Sum Each MonthI have Houses and Lots in all parts of the City, very desirableproperty, as Homes or Investments, which I will eel' on small EasyMonthly Payments; and on the Insurance Plan, by which if Deathoccurs before property is paid fur your Heirs receive it Free otIncumbrances.N. B. . . .Persons having money lyiug idle or drawing only from 2VattVil frtepna p pat o tri vsort nmKKJMJ.500 1 tog MdiiTKaaH V oi I'Sninwn so aaa xmmiM) Kiivpuaiai i Buopaa no wiqi nj 'eJJBS0; aaj uspaj jno o jajjo mou m. 'OCTIt JJ iri q-MUM ojniDid otnewnntra sinr JttHop JO KptnBfToqj AUBta 1SOO qoiqM. jo fnvd vuS30 aq XllO "i tQO SamUsanoH ?q qi jo uo q Suiqoi inaa itb jnq. j . mrtnwqpjnosxajoaejKjqj -j&jiAtirlKltiao ill jumj-. --v(.i; v min iiuuauuuuvi llt'm ""nnzCutious -Weather.In 1172 the temperature was o highthat leaves came ont on the .trees .mtonary, andbirds hatched their broodsin February. .,-,In 1289 the winter was also Terfiniia.aad maidens of Cologne wor yiatusSf violets and coVnflowers at Chmmasand Twelfth Day.Yn 14& the trees flowered in nemonth of March, and the vifts -in fthomonth of April. Cherries rened jnthe same month and grapes appeartemporary embarrassment) nameiy:First, To secure a paid up policy, or.Second To have the face valueof the policy extended for as manyyearsand days as the reserved valuewill carry it, whicn is always specifled in the policy when issued ,or,Third, To secure a loan on tbe polic from tbe Company.The PENN MUTUAL is notefor its solidity and its btricily honorable dealings with its policyholders and the prompt and justsettlement or all claims.Vould you like an estimate showing the different options, etc., atyour exact age? It so, please sendme name and address and date otbirthEstimates and circulars cheerfully given. Best references g venby our leading business men ofWashington, some of whom havebeen insured in tbe PENN MUEstate Securities where it will bring them SIX and EIGHT or more,per annum, pay ble Quarterly or Serni Annually!James H, Meriwether,Davis Block, Rooms 5 &6,1201 Penn. AyeHfjH HHIB. luflHr- WTARVi5i.OUS PRICES. .-BOOKS for the MILLIONpiano accompaniments. 152 pages of 1 Ttjal for 36 years.I music, with engraved titled cover,lithographed in colors and emoelished with crayon likeness ofsome raupical celebrity in vignette.Inclose 15 cents for a specimencopy.Liberal terms to Agents. AdrepsRKN.T. W. HITCHCOCK.Publisher, J385 Sixth Ave. New York, jml3 3mLOUIS H. STABLER.Special Agent,1003 F Street, N. W.Complete Novels and Other Works, 0 ramous , - -fclJiiba.hdto.e-,Itdo upon eooa paper. inej . ---- -- . eiith.iad tonn Um boot woU e-t i-atna.t ne or uo wmn " jTHE ODELLTYPE "Writer.InnojC omospurq v rjueswdaa ewi at pJiqmailln-nai rvmni mmnnn i"Wjooifigsaqjtqoqa tn paqsrou 'wqani 9CX0B1 -OXIHSIjo eno qa ai oj piqn 9X9 9l.'CUlnqticr qj qjM. nutmaXwuj Il& 'In 1572 the trees were covered withleavea in January, auu n? - -mo-in l'eDruary, i --was rdAWM r - . TL T I " 9.. . i TTnhrnarV. as au ix ttheir youngs, ----i;..L y 'u .a . - "u W, pi . W90 " .ji z iq?; fim same iuiukreatei. and it is added that iihe comwas in the ear Easter.There was in Prance nextlier snouBor frost throuhont the w loiters offinally, in 1662. even in edGermany, the streets we nolignted.d trees flowered in FebrnarComing to later dates the of1846-7, henitthxinderedailansonthe 28th of Jannaiyi- and 'Hii f fhith:yearothegre?mnndatVfchaSeine, were verymild. fe.Pl50'S EKkfiDT FOB CATABRSrives immediate rellet Catarrhvirus is soon expelled torn the system, and the diseased action of themucous membrane is replaced byhealtbv secretions.The 'dose is smalL One packagecontains a sufficient quantity for along treatment.UVjWaIsIzJSa ni in tiio TTpad i.q relieved bymiapplication of Piso's remedy forCatarrh. The comfort to be gotirom it in tills way Is worth manytimes Its cost.Easy and pleasant to use.Price, 50 cents. Sold by druggistsor sent by malLE. TS, HazkiiIeink, Warren, Pa.OhC f will buv the odelltype wbitI WJml J ek with 78 characters &$I5 lorthe Single Case Udell warranted to aobelter work than any machine made.It combines S mplicity with Durability.Spi ed, Ease of Operation' wears longerwithout co-'t of repairs than any othermachine Has no ink ribbon to botherthe operation. It is Neat Substantial,1 ickle-plated, and ad.pted to all kinds oftpe.writing. Like a printing press itproduces sharp, clean, lgibltt manuscripts, iwo or len copies tau uC one writing. Any intelligent personcan b-Cf.mH an operator in two days. Weoiler $1,000 to nyl,SrRT,Sli?.ASequal the work of the DOUBLE CASH,ODELL.Unliable Agents and Sales-nen wantednecial inducements to DerJors.SFor pamphlet giving, iudorseraente,Thefrom aroodu. withnnt tlnrllnir therein nianr-.h Each book is complete In itself.1 The Widow Bedott Paper. Thli ! the boot,ver which our godmothers laughed till they cried, andltn"rortVn0mo Adornment, eaUre'lr OT woric upon this subject .conulning ey mlSr2'l-Si iMtruotfoM for mailng fancy brwkeu, needle work, embroidery, etc., etc., pro-fniely nd elegantly Illaitratei. .a Brfma's Fairy Storloii for the Younr. "flnat e?ltooUoS of ?aUT itorie. ever published. Th. child-"J ffSJo' 'ho Sa By Sir Walter Scott." Th?Lady o Ae L " is a romance in Terse, and of allti,. nrkaof Scott none U more beautiful than this.ruideto politeness and gooa oreeamj. .u.rWern eUqulocca,U.a,aStlrykind with innumerable forms and examines. .T Winter Evenln Kccreatloni, a lre eoUeeUon. i.h PhsTades. Tableaux. Games, rutxlts, etc., fortfiftitaW theatricals, aud er.nU,. athTDIaio; Beeltatlon. and Keadln,., . mHrgtand chofce cleTtloTfor school exhibition, and pubUcandP1T P.riorS'and Chemical Experiment.,v v Imi TeUT how to perform hundreds of amusing"in maViid l K.&&. experiment, with simplen UThe) Hora Cook Book and Family Phy.Mm co?tainlnVbundreds of excellent cooking recipesand h'lnu housekeepers, also tellin? bow M cure all comnn ailraenu by simple home remedies.11 nneri and Cntonm In Far Atrar Landa,TeVwnteftlng and Instructire book of traTeTs. decrlb-TerXinI!:;I., lift,, hlts. mannersand eustoas-of the"isrfi'e Badsretof Wit, Hnnor and Fan, a large14 TTseful Knotrledge for the MUIIon. nanaybook of Si in formation for ll, Ja naay and yarious"iSfttfaid Bact A Sorel. by Hugh Conway, authorof "DarkDays. etc. --- TTewlll snd aaTfouT of these boors and our eaUtcgue, cbbUSIHour mmiwj16. At the World'. Mercy. 4jU JtWarden, author of The House on the Marsh, te.17. Mildred TreTaaloa. A Korsl. By "Ta Duobess." author of "Molly Bawn," etc.18. Dark Daya. A VortL by Huga Cosway, aathe.of " Called Back. . .... ...W. The Mystery or the HoUy Tree. A WrelBy the author of " Dora Thorne."20. Shadow oa the Baow. A jrareU By B. Uarleon author of " Bread-and-Cheeie-and-KIsses. etc.J?: The Gray Woman. ASot.I. ByMrs.Oa.k.11author or "Mary Barton," etcW. The Frozen Deep. A Notet. By Wllkle Collin,author or " The Woman In White," etc.23. Ked Court Farm. A Hotel. By Mrs. HearWood, author or" EartLynne," etc.34. InCapId'aet. ANotbU By th Author of "Dor.ThaWf t5 lack to the Old Hoae. A Korsl. ByMaryCIJn othor of Hidden Perils." etc.'oha Bowerbank'. Wife, A KoreL By MU. author of " John Halifax. OentUman," Wwtdy GweBdoUne Dream. A KorsU Byta.or Dora Thorns." etc.JTo.nfr Dane's Secret. A Hotel. By Ml M.B.Braddon. author of "Aurora 7loyd," etc.. LeoIIne. A Hotel. By Mary Cecil Hay.a-ti.r.1"so! GabrWMa'rrlwe. XHot.L By WllkU of " No Hame." etc31. Darld Hunt. A Hotel. By Mr. Ana B. Bteph..authorof" Fashion and Famine.' etcS2 Keaolnr the Whirlwind. A Hotel. By Mar,c HaV author or " Old Middleton. Money," eta.33. Dudley Carleon. A HoteL Br Mis. M. K.Bra4don. author or " Lady Audley's Secret," etcS4 Eaalca: oa Tux Mtstxry or thx Hr-is. aKotelfSy EtlaW. Pierce, author or "The Birth Mark." etc.35. A Golden Dawn. A Hotel. By the autiior" Dora Thorne." etc.36. Valerie' Fate. A Hotel- By Mrs. of "The Wooing O't." etc.37. Slater Koae. A Hotel. By -Wilkle Collins, aathwor "The Woman la 'White." etc.33. Anne. A Hotel. By Mrs. Henry Wood, author"ThTliaarel Ba.h. A Hotel. By Mis. or "John Halifax, Gentleman, etc.40. Anon Barten. A HcnreL By George BUrt, aatawof "Adam Beds," " Tto M1U sn ta Flow,"t(uMibmt1ai ilij !Ut1;' .IF,v,ill'jr.1 t .15,31m1?ist 4ay! - r jV. .-, 5sa'.vts-.v-.j:,?-- . --. , - rr -' -.-i'.'- -..; .;' ."-' . 'dsrafjaaktfrfWi'AatJatiLyii'mnEailiwiHBiwJ.TWMig'i.'ry rw TfiT". 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